Universal Hinge Bolt-On Hinge™

Order Forms

Measurements and Forms Needed for Ordering

Received a quote and ready to place an order for the Bolt-On Hinge™, please select the appropriate Order Form from the following four (4) options.

If you have not received a quote from Universal Hinge Corp®, please use the either the Contact or Inquiry pages to ask us a question or provide additional information.
Manufacturing Drawings Available 

If you have all of the following:
1. Manufacturing drawings for the cover
2. Manufacturing drawings for the flange
3. Manufacturing drawings for the pressure vessel Then you will use Order Form 1
You will also need to download the Instructions for Order Form 1
National Code Numbers on Both Cover and Flange

If you have all of the following:
1. National code number stamped on the cover AND
2. National code number stamped on the flange
Then you will use Order Form 2. 
You will also need to download the Instructions for Order Form 2
National Code Number on Cover OR Flange

If you have the following:
Either one of the following, but not both
1. National code number stamped on the cover OR
2. National code number stamped on the flange
Then you will use Order Form 3
You will also need to download the Instructions for Order Form 3
No National Code Numbers on Cover or Flange

If you are unable to satisfy all of the requirements from any of the previous sections, 
then you will need to use Order Form 4. 
You will also need to download Instructions for Order Form 4
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